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Weigh In Wednesdays EP1 "Why I decided to make a healthy lifestyle change" with Polly

Happy New Year! Let’s get it with the “New Year, New Me” announcements we all love so much. (LOL) So as some of you guys know I recently started a lifestyle change, and no this wasn’t due to last year’s major attention because of the Kayne West Fade video . I genuinely was just tired of feeling like crap all of the time. After eating unhealthy for so long it becomes habit and we begin to create excuses for ourselves and the way we live. At 25 there is no reason I can’t pull myself up if need be and there is absolutely no reason I run out of energy just 2 minutes into a workout or run. With all of that being said I linked up with my now fitness partner Polly to get assistance during this change and I would love for you guys to join our healthy living movement.

Now if you choose to follow this journey I will be educating and encouraging from this blog with the help of my fitness partner Polly. I’m also going to include Polly’s contact information below if you would like to work with her directly or get a plan put together just for you and your needs. Personally I believe having a Fitness Partner is amazing for motivation as well as having someone who is serious and knows what it takes to meet goals and stay strong. Here’s a message and introduction with my amazing fitness partner who will be in charge of this lifestyle change.

My name is Bianca and some people call me Polly. I am a graduate of Western Michigan University (GO BRONCOS!) with a degree in Journalism; I am currently working at K College in Kalamazoo, MI.

I began to start working out more my junior year of college, I didn’t see many results the first time so I stopped going to the gym. During the summer before my senior year I was under a lot of stress, from school to personal life, I was simply stressed. The stress was causing me to feel unmotivated about things I loved to do as well as it drove me to need an outlet so I began attending workout classes at my student recreation center and within months of eating well and exercise, I was seeing result. This in return gave me the motivation I needed, I also discovered Massy aka MankoFit and she has sparked me to become the strongest woman I can be, inside and out, physically and mentally.

I now know the true meaning of “It is not a way, It is a lifestyle” because in order to feel good about yourself all the time, is to do things that make you happy all the time. With that being said, allow me to be the drive your need to be a happier you!

-Polly B

As you can expect going into this change the scariest part is, well… Change! My second fear was failure. To ensure change happens and fear is just a distant memory I discussed my goals with Polly. She sent over a “Fitness Questionnaire”. The questionnaire helped me clearly see on paper my goals, unhealthy eating habits, and it really helped me get motivated for change. I challenge you all to first sit down and write out your eating habits. One of the biggest boosts for me was seeing in writing what I was putting in my body and how often.

I invite you on this journey with me and I’m sure with the help of Polly and the motivation to move forward, change, and become fit in the process results are sure to follow. Accepting the challenge is the first step. Write out those eating habits and next week let’s talk new food choices and workouts! If you have any questions for Polly directly, below is all of her info.


Twitter: @ThisIsBeyy

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