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Insecure Season 2 EP 2 “Hella Questions” Review

Last episode during the premiere of season 2 of Insecure, it was all about catching up, and boy did we catch up. With regret, plans that didn’t quite pan out and lots of sex viewers got the “Wow” we were all so patiently waiting for. Well, all of that is now old news with episode 2 which aired on Sunday. This week was focused on coming to terms, getting clarity, shooting your shoot, and moving on. Issa Rae, who plays our beloved main character, stated this episode titled “Hella Questions” is her personal favorite and I can see why. Here are my thoughts on this week’s episode.

Slaves to the game

With the way that episode 1 this season ended it was only right that Issa tell the viewers what her feelings really were after her spontaneous hump session with Lawrence. The writers took no time showing Issa open up to her bestfriend Molly about her post breakup sex with her Zaddy of an Ex. In this opening scene Issa is seen in a Harriet Tubman sweatshirt while venting about the confusion left after her encounter. I couldn’t help but view this as some form of symbolism. We all have fell victim and unfortunately all are slaves of this viscous game called Love. No matter how much we try to run away we find ourselves being controlled my emotions and often allowing our heart to make decisions our mind knows better than to fall for. For Issa the quickie should have represented some type of confirmation that the two of them can’t live without each other. But after no call, dry text and no other visits it seems the sex may have just been closure.

Confusion and Confessions

A lot of times we get so caught up in how hard Issa is taking the break up we forget that Lawrence was the one cheated on, hurt and displaced from a place he called home. Although he has begun to bury his feeling the same place he has been burying his penis; all the sex, working out, and lounging with Tasha cannot make him escape the hurt of missing someone but knowing deep down “I can’t fuck with you”. Now I know Lawrence is not in love with Tasha, but with the emotional time he has invested in their relationship I was not surprised when he opened up about smashing his ex. He is confused. On one hand you have a woman you’ve loved and has been faithful to for 5 years, and let’s not forget was looking at rings with. Then on the other hand you have the shining light over your bad days. Tasha has been his comfort, friend, motivation, and helped him get his swag back. At this point she has done no wrong in his eyes, so the thought of hurting her after knowing first-hand what it feels like would kill anyone with a conscience.

Magical Thinking

Molly has one of my favorite story lines this season. She quit running behind men and has been running for that check. You better get those coins girl! Not only is she trying to climb the corporate ladder and combat experiencing unfairness in her pay rate, Molly has also been seeking help with finding herself and seeking growth. During this week’s snapshot of one of her therapy sessions Molly is shown finally opening up. Her therapist notices a pattern in her thought process as well as how she moves within life. She called it Magical Thinking and after the episode I did a little more research on what this really meant and how it can be harm and not a help in our lives. Magical Thinking is explained as the act of believing if you think something long enough it will “magically” happen. Often we are taught “If you believe then you can achieve”, but a lot of times the push to start the actual doing to get results is put on the back burner. Did the light bulb go off in your head the same way it did mine? Were you awoken up from your daydream ready to put some actions with your words?

Pull that Bitch up

Okay this had to be my favorite part. Real tears from gut busting laughter ran down my face, not only because it was genuinely funny, but because it was so accurate and true. As Issa begins to convince herself that Lawrence coming over was clearly a sign of reconciliation, her bubble is instantly popped when Kelly accidentally spills the tea that Issa’s ex boo is dating a mystery girl name Tasha. Honestly I don’t know what kind of real friend could hold that kind of water but I digress. Not wanting to seem upset or thrown off of her rocker Issa politely explains she has no interest in seeing Tasha’s Instagram, knowing DAMN WELL she wanted to know who Lawrence ran to after they broke up. Women we love to find and stalk our ex current girl, hell sometimes you internet stalk the ex- girl too. We get something out of knowing who our dude liked. Is she pretty? Is she smart? Where does she work? What did he like about her? Well after denying her curiosity long enough she “Pulled that bitch up” and baby did curiosity kill the cat. Finally Issa meets Tasha or as she knows her TashaMoney289 according to Instagram. Ain’t this what we all been waiting for?


When you're going through a break up the last thing you want to do is have too many people involved. For Issa keeping it cool in front of her other friends is just for appearances, but Molly knows her heart. with Issa already confused the only judgement she needs is the real deal, no sugar coated truth from her "BestFran". Even if its not exactly what she wants to hear. After what viewers think is a chance meeting, we soon learn Molly running into Lawrence two inches away from his job was no "Oh I didn't expect to see you here", but a damn set up. Yes a setup organized by none other than the ex herself. While Molly was trying to get Zaddy Lawrence back on board and back at "The Dunes" with Issa cheating ass, Issa was sitting her stalking ass outside Tasha Job. Luckily this Cali native is not from Detroit like myself and only daydreamed of running inside the bank and laying the smack down on Tasha. We all hoped that Molly's Lawyer skills would prevail and Lawrence would be convinced to go back to the way things were. Unfortunately after thinking things over Lawrence indirectly sends Issa a message via Molly that he by no means wanted his old thing back. "Damn Gina."


So what do you do after you make up your mind that you are done with your ex? You make up with your new boo THAT'S WHAT! Actually that's not always the case, but that exactly what Zaddy (Thats Lawrence's new name by the way) did anyway. Before there is closure there is always going to be confusion. Everything is in limbo. Let's take Lawrence for example. Although work is on the up and ups, his love life with Tasha has no real destination and the poor man is sleeping on a air mattress in the middle of his boy living room. So now the question is did Tasha have a real reason to be upset? When does just having fun become exclusive? Are we too grown to have the "conversation"? Should you just know once one person gets most of your time that that's bae? Well, for Tasha those backshots were not in vain. Baby girl was feeling the kid and his poor judgement with his ex hurt her little heart. But baby when that closure hit you, the epiphany is as clear as a Windex sliding door. After looking at places, talking to Molly (which could have made shit worst. Good job Issa), and seeing that Tasha really wanted him all to herself. Lawrence choose the road less traveled and wanted to to see where things cold go with Tasha. Even though TashaMoney289 tried to play hard to get who can resist Zaddy? You hungry?

Moving on

Moving on is so hard to do, but sometimes it's good for you. There is so much moving on our characters have to do this season. Issa has to finally stop holding on, peeking out the window, and leaving things at the apartment with hopes Lawrence will drag his clothes back. Even if that means going back on ridiculous hook up apps for dates and extending her wardrobe to spread into now unclaimed territory in the closet. Lawrence has to give life without Issa a shot and I mean a real shot. Find a place, grocery shop alone, get his own furniture, and date with his heart and not his penis. Its clear he has feelings for Tasha, so will he go to the BBQ she invited him to? And for my favorite character Molly moving on is also in the cards. After trying and failing to fit in with the boys at the Law firm, Molly realizes that ladies have to stick together. The call she made to the partner in Chicago showed us baby girl is no longer interested in "Magical Thinking" and there is more than two ways to skin an cat and get a check. Cheers to moving on and growth.

I can tell this last episode "Hella Questions" were answered and hella priorities were put into place. I'm excited to see where this season will leave our cast. Love is a crazy and unpredictable game and with emotions all over the place next week is sure to turn up. Episode 3 we ready!

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